Chipping Campden Support Hub offers a helping hand to residents of the Chipping Campden area who are in need through age, health, financial situation or other circumstances.

A conversation with us can often point you in the right direction for help tailored to your needs. This can range from schooling to help for the elderly, infirm or vulnerable; from support by volunteers to help with the cost of living. Please contact us or browse this website for more information.

If you are unable to manage we have volunteers in Chipping Campden who can offer practical support on various tasks ranging from collecting prescriptions and shopping for those with mobility issues, to procuring furniture and other essentials for those in financial need. Please contact us to discuss how we might help you.

We can often help with access to a grant from an existing organisation for essential expenditure you can't afford and we have limited funds of our own to meet sudden unexpected expenditure. Please contact us or click here for sources of support.

We started during the Covid pandemic and have evolved to include helping over 70 Ukrainian refugees and support during the cost of living crisis. We continue to identify new areas within our charitable remit where we can offer assistance including sustainability.
Please contact us if you would like some help or are in a position to help us with time, expertise or funding .... or would simply like to be kept informed about our activities by the occasional email.
Chipping Campden Support Hub has no paid staff and we operate on essential costs only.

If you would like to donate towards our funds to help with the work we do, please click on the button below. You can donate via PayPal and/or credit card. Please contact us if you would prefer to donate in some other way.
Thank You
We would like to thank all those who have given their time, money and expertise to help our activities and we very much appreciate the grants and donations we have received from private individuals and from our two local councils which has enabled us to provide the support that we have so far.
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