The easiest way we can all help with sustainability is to:

REDUCE what we consume
We all buy things that it turns out we don't want or need. Think twice before buying.

REPAIR what is broken
Things break. Rather than throwing them away, see if they can be repaired. Campden's own wonderful Repair Shop may be able to help. See below.

REUSE what we no longer want 
If you can't reuse something yourself the chances are it would be valued by someone else. This is easily achieved over the internet through sites like Roundabout, Ebay, Facebook Local, Freecycle, or NextDoor. You might even get some money but even free is better than it going into a hole in the ground. And you can take unwanted spectacles o Grey's Opticians on the High Street.

RECYCLE whatever we can't reuse or pass on
CDC's recycling is constantly improving and you can find full details here. Soft plastic packaging can be left in a bin at the back of our Coop. There is currently nowhere to recycle empty "blister packs" but we hope there will be soon.

The Repair Cafe
Our volunteers will help you with fixing or talking about how to fix, or repurpose items that have been brought in. Some of the items you might like to bring are Damaged household appliances; Small pieces of furniture; Clothing; Toys and games; Small metalwork and jewellery; Garden and hand tools. But also anything you really don't want to throw out, of sentimental value, or that can be repurposed!

The Repair Café takes place on the 2nd Saturday each month starting at 10am at St James’ Church Rooms (on the corner of Calf Lane and Church Street). Coffee, tea and light refreshments are available to enjoy over discussion with others. Last items will be accepted at 12.30, to finish by 1pm.

Contact Michael Smedley (Project Co-ordinator)

Telephone 07798 533129

Other Sustainability Issues
On a more general note CPRE The Countryside Charity highlight the potential of rooftop solar (especially on supermarkets and warehouses) as opposed to ground-based solar farms. Click here for more information.

Other Ideas
If you have any ideas for, or are already involved in, any sustainability projects, please contact us.
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